Renowned futurist and life-hacker Martijn Aslander is not one to mince his words or confront his audiences with sometimes brutal truths. He has earned a reputation for being one of the world's foremost thinkers on the age of disruption. For Martijn, it is no longer about what you own or what you know, but about your attitude and your ability to adapt.
- Do you want to know more about the latest and greatest in finance? Register to attend or exhibit at the Finance Indaba Africa 2017!
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In an invigorating presentation at the Finance Indaba Africa 2016 in October, entitled "Forget ownership, attitude is the key to exponential growth in the 21st century", Martijn explained that the near-future is one of abundance, driven largely by innovation and technologies like robotics and social swarms. To survive in a era in which their existence is threatened by the average person equipped with the electronic tools to make profound changes to their lives and the world around them, businesses will need employees who are flexibility, curious and open-minded.
"The stuff that is happening right now, you can't measure it in classical economic terms. Abundant things are not measured. We will see the end of the big banks and law firms, and within 10 years, computer power will be a million times more powerful, and even more accessible to everyone. If you are in the financial industry, you still have time to transform."
The Finance Indaba is the biggest annual event on the continent for financial managers and specialists who are seeking partnerships to drive progress. Thousands of delegates will gain valuable insights into realising financial performance and growth, becoming more efficient and accessing funding, among a host of other opportunities from leading players in financial services.