Nigeria to host CashlessAfrica Expo


Cashless Africa will address the future of finance at the Lagos Oriental Hotel, Nigeria, from 22 - 23 March.

Digital disruption is shifting the balance stay of power in financial services and influencing the way, millions of people bank their money, make payments, remittances and more, in a continent where mobile phone penetration exceed bank accounts and bank cards ownership, combined.

Africa's highly regulated financial industry now needs to adapt itself to the on-going disruptions in the Fintech space and the increasing demands of young and energetic customers which represent a significant percentage of the continent's population.

The conference agenda, keynote and interactive sessions will focus on the evolution of digital banking and its future in Africa, disruptive technologies, balancing regulation and innovation, remittances, the relationship between fintechs and banks and consumer protection. and evolution in a Competitive market;
In 2017, the expo will host a hackathon to find solutions to compelling financial services challenges across Africa and the CashlessAfrica champion awards, given to organisations that have made a significant contribution to the digital financial services industry in Africa.

Speakers from Helix institute, Pwc Nigeria, Oradian, Millicom, Voguepay, Barclays Bank, Musoni, Wallettec, Konga, Redcloud, TransferTo, Chamsmobile, ConnectAfrica, Hormuud Telecoms, Impala Pay and M-paya are on the bill.

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