Job Title:
Ayanda Khumalo is a Chartered Accountant (SA) by profession. He holds a B.Compt Honours and B.Com degree from the University of South Africa and has extensive mining and corporate finance experience. He was the Group Finance Executive of Coal of Africa Ltd and the Finance Director of Aquarius Platinum South Africa (Pty) Ltd. He has been a Manager at Nedbank and EY. He was appointed CFO of Northam Platinum in July 2010 and left the comapany in 2018.
2015 – 2018 Non-Executive Director, Zambezi Platinum Ltd
2010 – 2018 CFO, Executive Director, Northam Platinum Ltd
2008 – 2010 Group Finance Executive, Coal of Africa Ltd
2004 – 2008 Finance Director, Aquarius Platinum South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Corpcapital Ltd
Audit Manager, EY
Senior Manager, Nedbank Ltd
B.Compt, Hons, UNISA