Job Title: CFO
Company: Rhodes Food Group
Christiaan Cornelius Schoombie is a qualified Chartered Accountant (SA) with a B.Com Honours degree in Accounting from UNISA. Prior to joining Rhodes Food Group he spent nine years at Deemster Foods in various Financial Management and Operational Management positions. He was appointed CFO in 2000 and he has been and Executive Director since 2012.
2012 – Present Executive Director, Rhodes Food Group Ltd
2000 – Present Chief Financial Officer, Rhodes Food Group Ltd
1991 – 2000 Financial and Operational Management, Deemster Foods
B.Com Hons, UNISA
About Rhodes Food Group Ltd: Based in Groot Drakenstein in the Western Cape, South Africa, Rhodes Food Group has a well-capitalised production base comprising 15 manufacturing facilities across South Africa and a fruit processing facility in Swaziland. All operations are well located close to sources of raw materials and end markets. The Group also owns a dairy farm at Groot Drakenstein and pineapple plantations in Swaziland and its product range includes canned fruit, jam, vegetable and meat products, bottled salads, fruit juices and purees, fresh ready meals, pies, pastries, bakery and dairy products.