Job Title:
Vuya Mafata has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of the Free State. In 2005, Vuyo started his career as an Executive Financial Manager at the Unemployment Insurance Fund where he has been a loyal employee ever since. Mafata became the CFO of the organization in 2012. In 2016 he was appointed the Compensation Commissioner of the Compensation Fund. In his opinion, financial leaders in government need to move beyond the obsession with spreadsheets and budgets. "We have a responsibility towards citizens." Furthermore, he wants his role as CFO to be that of a steward, rather than a transactional chief. For his work as CFO he has been nominated for the CFO Awards 2015.
2016 - Present Compensation Commissioner, Compensation Fund
2012 - 2016 Chief Financial Officer - Unemployment Insurance Fund
2005 - 2012 Executive Manager: Finance - Unemployment Insurance Fund
University of the Free State/Universiteit van die Vrystaat - MBA, General Management
University of the Free State/Universiteit van die Vrystaat - BCOM, Commerce
Unicerity of the Witwatersrand - MIM, Finance And Investment Management