Tax Ombud


The Office of the Tax Ombud enhances the tax administration system.

Tax Ombud joins Finance Indaba 2017

The Office of the Tax Ombud has joined Finance Indaba 2017 as a silver partner and will make its second showing at the event at the Sandton Convention Centre in October.

Finance Indaba programme: SME Growth and Profitability - #findaba16

The Finance Indaba Africa 2016 is almost upon us and it is time to start looking at what exactly lies ahead at the Sandton Convention Centre on 13 and 14 October 2016. Every day until the event, we will shine a light on the parts of the amazing programme. Today: SME Growth and Profitability, a two-day programme for finance professionals working for smaller firms and medium-sized businesses.

Finance Indaba 2016: Tax Ombud offers taxpayers a resolution avenue

"When people receive a below-par standard of service from Sars, our office offers a free channel to air complaints," says Advocate Eric Mkhawane, CEO in the Office of the Tax Ombud, a silver partner at the Finance Indaba Africa 2016 on 13 and 14 October 2016 at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg.

Tax watchdog Bernard Ngoepe demands more independence

The Office of the Tax Ombud should become completely independent from SARS, according to Tax Ombud Bernard Ngoepe. The retired judge announced his demands in a keynote speech during the Tax Indaba at the Sandton Convention Centre on 7 September 2015.

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In October 2013, the Office of the Tax Ombud was established in terms of the Tax Administration Act (Act 28 of 2011) to strengthen taxpayer’s rights and provide taxpayers with recourse if they were unhappy with complaints relating to service, as well as procedural and administrative issues from SARS. The OTO is an independent avenue that provides a simple, free and impartial avenue for resolving taxpayer’s complaints after they have exhausted the internal complaints mechanism of SARS.

Address: Menlyn Corner, 2nd Floor, 87 Frikkie De Beer Street, Menlyn, Pretoria

Postalcode: 0181

Phone: (+27) 12 431-9105

