Cabinet has approved the National Minimum Wage Bill, and draft legislation will now be referred to Parliament for further deliberation. Following this, President Zuma will be required to officially sign it into law.
According to Cabinet, the National Minimum Wage Bill is due to come into effect on May 1 2018. There are a few exceptions to the national minimum wage, as follows:
- The minimum wage for farm workers will be 90% of R20 per hour (R18 per hour);
- The minimum wage for domestic workers will be 75% of R20 per hour (R15 per hour); and
- The minimum wage for workers on an expanded public works programme is R11 per hour.
Cabinet said in a statement:
"The Nedlac social partners have agreed that the farm, forestry and domestic sectors will be brought up to 100% of the national minimum wage within two years pending research by the National Minimum Wage Commission."
The minimum wage agreement was overseen by Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa (pictured).