Dress up in your best evening attire as Victor Sekese shares a judges perspective on the CFO Awards.
On Thursday evening, 14 May, CFO South Africa will be hosting an online CFO Community Conversation with the 2020 CFO Awards nominees.
The night was originally reserved for the CFO Awards ceremony, which has been postponed until 25 November when hopefuly Covid-19 restrictions will have been lifted. Thursday’s event will give the community a chance to get to know the people behind the nominees.
“Staying true to the theme of the CFO Awards, we’re asking the CFO community to join us in their best evening attire – whether it’s a tuxedo, evening gown or your favourite tracksuit pants,” says CFO South Africa community manager John Deane.
Guests will be treated to a judge’s perspective of the CFO Awards with SNG Grant Thornton CEO Victor Sekese, who will be speaking about the value of the CFO Awards and sharing some entertaining anecdotes about his experience of being a judge over the last six years.
After Victor, BioMimicry SA founder Claire Janish will be drawing comparisons between nature and business. She will be discussing what society can learn from nature and how to apply it to business, as well as how business processes have evolved based on specific occurrences and incidents within nature.
The attendees will then break into breakaway rooms, where they will discuss world-class finance in action, before ending the evening on a side-splittingly funny note with comedian Nik Rabinowitz.