Tsunzukani is an experienced finance executive and has served with Italtile since 2017.
Italtile executive director of group finance and administration Tsundzukani Mhlanga has been nominated for the 2020 CFO Awards, which will be taking place on 25 November.
At the annual ‘Oscars for South African finance professionals’, which is now entering its seventh year, CFOs of listed companies, large corporations, state-owned entities and government institutions are recognised and rewarded for their outstanding performance and leadership.
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Tsundzukani is a qualified chartered accountant (SA) with an MBA from the University of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business. She completed her financial management articles (TOPP) at Edcon Holdings and in 2009 joined Pembani Coal Carolina Propriety, where she held the position of finance and procurement manager.
Tsundzukani is currently the executive director of group finance and administration at ItalTile. Prior to joining Italtile in 2017 as its FD, she served as an independent consultant, as well as the financial director at Ascension Properties. Before that, Tsundzukani was acting CFO of Alexkor SOC. She served on various board subcommittees and oversaw the finance, procurement and risk management functions of Alexkor as well as its joint venture operations.