AECOM's Joe Ndala nominated for CFO Awards 2018


A strategic business partner, Joe leads, plans, directs and influences multiple functions within finance in the Africa region

AECOM FD Joe Ndala has been nominated for the CFO Awards 2018. This is Joe’s debut nomination.


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A strategic business partner, Joe leads, plans, directs and influences multiple functions within finance in the region. He develops, improves and implements financial strategies, compliance, techniques, processes and procedures and is responsible for ensuring budget and schedules meet corporate requirements and standards, both local and international.


He started working in 1992 and took on roles in various engineering firms as a project administrator. He became a business partner for a project management firm AR Process Projects since 2006 and took on his current role in April 2014. He is a chartered accountant and holds a Master’s in Accounting and Finance Management from the University of West England.


The annual 'Oscars for South African CFOs', the CFO Awards recognise CFOs of listed companies, large corporations, state-owned entities and government institutions, and awards them for outstanding performance and leadership.


AECOM is a fully integrated professional and technical services firm. It designs, builds, finances and operates infrastructure assets around the world for public and private sector clients. AECOM understands Africa’s specific infrastructure needs, together with the inherent challenges of working on the continent.

Its multi-disciplinary teams of award-winning engineers, planners, architects, environmental specialists, economists, scientists, consultants, cost, project and programme managers are committed to delivering projects that improve the quality of life of communities throughout Africa.


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