Loraine Rossouw nominated for 2020 CFO Awards


She has served as the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development's COO and now CFO.

Department of Justice and Constitutional Development CFO Louraine Rossouw has been nominated for the 2020 CFO Awards, which will be taking place on 25 November.

At the annual ‘Oscars for South African finance professionals’, which is now entering its seventh year, CFOs of listed companies, large corporations, state-owned entities and government institutions are recognised and rewarded for their outstanding performance and leadership.

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Louraine is a qualified chartered accountant with over 20 years’ experience at executive management level aligning strategy, finance, ICT and other resources. She joined the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development in 2013 and served as its COO from 2015 to 2016. She is currently the department’s CFO. She has previously served as the CFO and COO of Christel House SA and the Free State Department of Education respectively. She has also served as a director of the School for Entrepreneurship and Business Development at the Central University of Technology in the Free State, as well as the head of its accounting department. Her career started off as an auditing manager at PwC. She has a B.Compt honours degree in auditing and accounting from the University of the Free State.

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